When he got to his seat he looked right at me, saw me stroking myself and smiled. I was jerking off while I watched him go to his seat. I was sitting about 5 seats away from him in the same row. The was wearing a black leather jacket, TIGHT blue shorts and black boots.Ī few miniutes latter he came back and sat down in last seat in the last row of the theater. He had some sort of black baseball type hat on. He had medium dark skin, was about 5'10' tall, and had shoulder length wavey black hair. A very good looking guy stood up walked right past me on his way out to the lobby or bathroom. Eventually there were only a people left. Gradually as it got latter more and more people left. I sat down in the back row of the theater and started to watch the movie. When I arrived the theater had quite a few people in in, but was by no means crowded. I don't go to them often, but tonight I was in the mood to see porn on the big screen. I went to a straight adult movie theater last night.
The story is not an exact transcript of what happened, but it is quite close. The following story is based on a true experience I had.